Friday, December 14, 2012

Giveaway Winner, Handmade Arcade & BE Taylor

What a week it's been!  Filled with craft shows, Christmas concerts and a giveaway!  Ready to wrap this thing up? We are!

Ladies and Gentlemen... the winner is....
Rebecca Godlove!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered and all the new followers we've gathered.  We love you all and couldn't be more grateful for the support and encouragement you've all shown us since getting this blog started. 

Until the next giveaway.. which hopefully won't be too far away.. we've got some things in the works and we're excited to share!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen and Shannon, I found you over at 36th Avenue and I just had to visit your awesome blog! Love it and I'm a new follower... Popping over to like you on FB too and give you a shout out.

    I'm Nat and I blog at NorthShore Days ( and I'm part of the collaborative team at Inspiration Cafe (

    So great to meet you and cant wait to follow along xx Nat


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