Monday, December 3, 2012

SYS: Retro Cassette Tape Wallet {Lucy with Craftberry Bush}

Thanks for joining us for Stuff Your Stockings, a handmade gift series at Eat. Sleep. MAKE.

Our first guest poster for the Stuff Your Stockings series is Lucy from Craftberry Bush. Lucy really needs no introduction. If you've been reading blogs for even a short time, you're sure to have seen her blog featured all over the place. Her projects are always so unique and gorgeous, and don't even get me started on her photos. Craftberry Bush is where we go for our daily dose of eye candy!

In addition to her great craft tutorials, Lucy shares yummy recipes and decorates her house like it's straight out of a magazine (check out her beautiful hutch makeover HERE and be sure to check out her Project Gallery to see her seasonal mantles.)

We're so excited to have her sharing her handmade gift for teens today, so without further delay, here's Lucy!


Hello ! My name is Lucy and I take care of a little blog called Craftberry Bush.
I am so happy to be here with Jen, Shannon, Bev and Rachel as we share ideas that we hope will inspired you and at the same time help you 'stuff your stockings' 

When the girls first asked me to be involved in the series I happily said yes, what I didn't know however, was how difficult it would be to come up with a handmade gift for a teen. 
One was too kiddie, one too old, one not cool enough...etc.

But I hope you will agree that this gift is not only unique but cool enough for even a teen  

I made two, one for my son who is almost thirteen and for my younger son who is only 10 but loves music and playing his guitar. 

Here is what you will need:

Old cassette tapes
kitchen knife or putty knife
piece of scrap fabric (large enough to cover the cassette
glue gun
needle and thread 

 1. With a kitchen knife slowly pry open the cassette. Note: some of the older tapes have screws that you will need to remove. Remove all the contents.

2. Place cassette over piece of fabric and trace around it. Cut out and set aside.

3. Take zipper and slowly start to glue onto tape as shown being careful that you do not get hot glue on teeth of zipper as it will ruin the zipper.

4. Continue to go around tape.

5. Trim excess of zipper

6. With a needle and thread sew around the teeth of the zipper as shown. This will avoid the slider to slide out. 

7. Continue to glue zipper on the other side of the tape.

8.Make sure you align both sides as you go along.

9. Glue liner onto the tape, again making sure no glue touches the zipper.

10. Trim any excess fabric or threads from fabric

11. Admire your work!

12. Insert a gift card, some money etc.

I not only love this gift because it's a great way to recycle but also one of the tapes I used was one that my son and I would sing along to when he was only a toddler. 

It brought back so many memories.

 These would also look amazing spray painted in different colours don't you think? 

Neon pink or green perfect  for a teen girl. 

And it's the perfect size to stuff in their stocking too!  

Thank you so much for allowing me to share with you, I hope to see you again soon!

much love,

Wow Lucy, what a cool idea! Now I know what I can make one for my daughter with my Ace of Base tapes that I can't bring myself to throw away. Maybe I should teach her what a tape is first? I feel a "back in my day" story coming on...

Make sure you visit Lucy at Craftberry Bush and while you're there, check out her homemade ornament series!

Thanks for joining us for our first installment of Stuff Your Stockings! We'll be posting handmade gift ideas for the whole family throughout the week. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea and easy for someone with little to no sewing skills! I love it. I have tapes I have kept for sentimental value and this would be a perfect way to keep them :)


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