Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Alex and Anna Summer PJ's

I finally made a couple pairs of Alex and Anna summer pj's for the kiddo's recently. I've been holding on to several knits from The Fabric Fairy (this one and this one) that I picked out as part of a giveaway I won on Lil Blue Boo several months ago, and decided it was about time to cut into it.

I always cringe when I cut into new fabric! It's so nice and new and I'm always afraid I'll screw something up. Thankfully, Amy's patterns are always so easy to follow that I didn't have anything to worry about. As usual :)

I couldn't resist the cute Scottie dogs print for Haley. AND it had plaid, double doozie. The apple orchard and stars print was another no-brainer. They both have such a soft feel and were perfect for pj's! I used fold over elastic for the binding on both, and it was the first time I had tried using FOE. Not sure my method was correct, but It did the trick. I'm going to keep trying on other pieces though, it was super simple to use and gave both sets a nice, finished look. I also like that they have a snug fit.

Connor is a grumpasauraus when he wakes up and was in no mood for picture taking, so these were the best shots I was able to get from him without injecting him with chocolate milk and gummy bears. Haley, on the other hand, is my little cheese ball and posed without bribery.

They love their new pj's! I can tell this pattern is going to be in regular rotation around here. I also got the Alex and Anna winter pj's, so I'm sure I'll be making up a few of those when the cold weather starts!

Check out our Link Party Page to see where we link up each week!


  1. oh, they're super cute! love those fabrics!

  2. I love those fabrics too! And what you've done with it of course :-). But most of all the shot of Connor's bum! Hilarious.

  3. Ooh I have a bunch of cute knit material that I wasn't sure exactly what to do with.. inspired! :)


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