Monday, September 23, 2013

Baked Cinnamon Sweet Potato Wedges

Up until this year, I always hated sweet potatoes.  Then I had one, singular sweet potato fry... and my world was changed forever.  Now, I will devour anything that contains sweet potatoes.  I took a swing at cooking them for the first time and upon realizing I didn't have any brown sugar in the house, I had to improvise.  I grabbed the cinnamon, crossed my fingers, and sprinkled away.  The outcome was amaaaaaazing.

4 sweet potatoes (peeled and sliced into wedges/fries)
1/3 cup butter (sliced)
Himalayan Pink Salt
Fresh cracked black pepper

1 - Preheat your oven to 450 degrees

2 - Peel and slice sweet potatoes into wedges/fry shape.

3 - Place slices of butter every inch or so on top of potato slices. 

4 - Add salt & pepper to taste

5 - Sprinkle cinnamon on top using fingers.

6 - Cover with foil and bake at 450 for 40 - 45 minutes

Now eat them and love them!!!

Check out our Link Party Page to see where we link up each week!


  1. YUM! I love sweet potatoes, and cinnamon - I know I will love these! come by and link up at our wonderful wednesdays linky party! Live now through sunday!
    hope to see you there!

  2. Yum! I love sweet potato fries! Thanks for sharing!

  3. These look delicious and would be way quicker to make than baked sweet potatoes for my husband. What in the world is Himalayan Pink Salt and where did you buy it?



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