We're Shannon and Jen, the two crafty masterminds behind eat. sleep. MAKE. We have both been blogging separately for several years (Jen at My Own Road and Shannon at Details of a Love), but we wanted to be able to offer our readers as many ideas and as much inspiration as possible - and the best way to do that is together! We fuel each other’s creative fire and push each other to be better and step outside the box.
Here, you'll find lots of fun and easy DIY's, fashion tips, and home decoration ideas to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and make something new with us. We hope you have as much fun following along as we make things, experiment with ideas, have epic wins with projects and even epic failures (which we do plan on sharing!)
I'm Shannon. My whole life has revolved around art in some fashion. Growing up, my mom would make dried flower
arrangements and do craft shows. I’d
create anything and everything I could.
I’d draw food with markers and cut them out and use that to play
kitchen. I played piano and flute. I was always dancing and singing.
To this day, at 34 years old, my life still revolves around
art and music. EAT+SLEEP+MAKE is just a
place for me to share that with all of you.
I find constant inspiration in the things around me. My life and my world are a never ending
source of beauty.
I work at a major retailer as an Executive Assistant. I love my job. My degree is in architectural drafting, but
when choosing my career path, I decided that being an assistant is what makes
me happy. I like helping people. I like helping others achieve their
I have no children. I
lost a baby years ago and it was one of the most traumatizing events of my
life. Not a day goes by that I don’t
think about it. But, I know I’m blessed
despite the loss.
I’m a divorcee. And
that’s okay. My mom once told me that it’s
nothing to be ashamed of. It means I’m
not afraid to take a chance and I’m not afraid to love.
I have 2 cats, Skilo and Sparta, and a dog, Atari. They’re my kids. Yep, I said it.
Sometimes I’m overly empathetic, sometimes I feel sorry for
myself, sometimes I drive too fast and my hair is always a complete disaster
when I wake up in the morning. But, I laugh
a lot, I love learning and experiencing things, I love giving gifts and seeing
the people I love smile, I love the outdoors… riding my bike, camping and
hiking, I love singing off-key on purpose, eating raw crescent roll dough, watching
YouTube videos in bed with coffee on Saturday mornings while my cat pounces on
my feet under the covers and I love being spontaneous.
Mostly, I love, fiercely love, my family.
If you don’t think I’m crazy after all that, stick around
and see what fun stuff we do here at ESM.
It’s been such a wild ride these past 3 years and it’s only getting
better. That’s because of all of
Hi, I'm Jen. I'm a blogger, crafter, and mama to 2 wonderful kids who are a constant source of inspiration. My husband and I recently moved to Pennsylvania to be closer to family, and it's been the best decision of our lives so far (especially since I now have Shannon to help fuel my crafting obsession!)
Shannon is my sister-in-law, but she's really become the sister I always wanted and the person responsible for getting me hooked on blogging in the first place. I make sure Shannon stays up to date on all the latest craft trends, and Shannon makes sure I don't go out into public wearing a cardigan as a cape (and yes, that did happen.)
I started crafting at a very young age, back when making lanyards and friendship bracelets out of plastic craft lacing was cool. I secretly hope those come back into style because I would totally dominate the plastic lanyard market. These days I prefer fabric over plastic lacing, and I can't seem to get enough of sewing and crafting for myself and my kids. I blog because I love to share my ideas with my readers, but also because I need a way to justify my crafting purchases to my husband :)
You can also visit Jen's Etsy shop, Brass and Thread, by clicking HERE
Thank you for reading! We'd love to see your finished projects or answer any questions you may have. Our contact points are listed below!
This blog is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity.
Occasionally, the owner(s) of this blog are compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.